Just like with anything, you can only achieve the best results when all parts of the process work together in alignment. This very much applies to talent acquisition and development. In this episode, Maria del Pilar Martinez joins us to discuss the importance of having a cohesive talent process and ensuring that those very important candidates come in and have a positive experience in the workplace as they start out. Maria is passionate about talent management with 20 years of experience as a leader working with the development of people in different positions. With her hard-earned wisdom, she equips us with the insights to make sure that we are getting the best from our talents and even us as leaders. At the heart of her process is the TMA Method. She explains how this method helped her and how you can apply this not only in hiring but your overall business decisions.
This show is a place where we can all come together as HR professionals and elevate the overall profession. Our audience here, a lot of people are from the C-Suite, founders of organizations, and HR professionals overall. Welcome. I want to ensure that we acknowledge our speaker, which is Pily Martínez from Arancione out of Mexico.
She is an executive headhunter. She uses the TMA Method in her process, and works with a lot of leading companies in Mexico, ensuring that they’re finding the best people for her clients as they bring them in, and ensure that they are successful once they’re in a place as well. She’s going to talk to us about the importance of having a cohesive talent process and ensuring that those very important candidates come in and have a positive experience in the workplace they start out. Pily, can you tell us a little bit more about how you started out in your field and help companies that are in Arancione?
First of all, thank you very much for this introduction and for inviting me. I am very happy to be here. This is my third time in the show. I enjoyed this space. I am an industrial engineer. I began working in consumption companies in logistics and supply chain operations, but destiny sent me to HR. Let me tell you that. I used to be a very difficult and straight HR client.
I never understood the HR function from that perspective. I understood it from the leader and the difficulty in the operation perspective. When I began working in Arancione, it was my first contact in HR. It was pretty difficult for me at the beginning. I had to begin from scratch, understanding the foundations of HR. I was invited by my partner and brother, Jorge Martínez, which is the Founder of Arancione. We have celebrated our 13th anniversary.
I am pretty proud of this because he began the organization thirteen years ago, and prepared himself with the best recruiters in the world, not in the academy part but in the practice part. When I joined Arancione, he was the best headhunter I’ve ever met. I’m not saying this because he’s my brother. I’m saying it because I’ve had experience working with headhunters.
I had a Master’s degree being a candidate. Throughout my career before HR, I always wanted to grow. I wanted to be interviewed by companies. I even had twelve interviews processed with the Coca-Cola Company once in my career. I met a lot of interviewers. When I knew his process and the interest he had in doing a match between the candidate and the organization, I loved it and I got passionate about that. That was my beginning in HR.
My first challenge there was how to do the process a little bit better. What I saw at the beginning was that there was this intangible part of the process that was giving feedback of, “I don’t like that candidate.” It was so subjective that I was desperate. I was like, “How can I translate the “Don’t like” into “Does it work or not work?” That’s when I met TMA. My objective was to bring a method that could help us do a better process, not only for our clients but for the candidates. Right now that is how we have improved our process. That is what leads us to the topic that we are covering here, which is the alignment in the acquisition and how it impacts the development of our organization.
I appreciate what you’re bringing up when certain managers say, “I don’t feel right about that particular person.” Understanding whether or not it’s their internal bias or if there’s a reason behind is quite important. It is great to have these tools to bring this awareness to us to ensure that we’re looking at the sourcing process fairly among people.
There is also a very important factor when doing this talent acquisition process, which is dealing with a hiring manager. You need a certain level of seniority. By that, I am not talking about age but the experience in trying to understand their needs with the proper questions. We are used to having recruitment processes in which we are like waiters, “What do you want?” and that’s it, but that doesn’t work. The most important thing is the hiring manager sometimes does not know what he or she wants.
That happened to me as a hiring manager. I remember the first time a recruiter asked me, “What is the profile that you want in your team?” I was like, “Aren’t you the expert? You should tell me what I need.” It was very difficult for me to translate that into proper words so that the recruiter could look for the right profile. That is the seniority. That is important in the recruiting process.
It doesn’t matter the level, but it is very important to know how to manage a hiring manager, and how to help him or her define what they need. That definition does not only impact the acquisition process but also in achieving the result. Let me explain a very simple example, a purchasing position. What you normally need in a purchasing position is someone compliant with the process because you don’t want to have a conflict of interest in the process. If you want that, you bring someone compliant with the process.
Talent Management: It is very important to know how to manage a hiring manager and help him or her define what they need because that definition does not only impact the acquisition process but also achieves the result.
This person being compliant with the process might be like this, and then even though the process is compliant, it is not useful because it makes you take a long time in the process. What is the difference between having someone compliant with the process and having someone that solves the problems? That is a huge difference.
You might get someone compliant, but this person doesn’t solve the problem. It makes the problems bigger. That is why it is very important to understand what the obstacles of a role are, the environment this person is going to work with, and the type of people he’s going to deal with. What are the type of challenges and the solutions that he or she might need to bring to the table so that we can look for people that are not only experiencing that but are comfortable doing that?
You mentioned a couple of things there like the environment, which also has to do with the culture of the company and forth. The most obvious one is the skills, abilities, and competencies that the job requires. There’s also the specific like what it is like to work on that team and with that manager itself. There could be certain challenges among the team and certain management styles where certain candidates are going to be more successful than others.
There is a saying, “You may have the best candidate and he might not be successful. It is not his fault or her fault.” It is a match between the candidate and the leader. That is pretty important. Sometimes when we have a lot of turnover in an organization, it is very important to understand if the leadership style is the correct one for the profiles that we want to bring into the organization, just talking about ways of working. For example, I need someone creative that likes numbers because he will be in the need of analyzing a lot. You want attention to detail but you want creativity. You’re talking about two different things.
It is very difficult to find someone developed in both parts and feels comfortable. We need to define the characteristic that is going to help this person achieve the results that we want. When you ask the leaders that then their mind changes and they say, “You are right. I want attention to detail, but if this person is not creative, I can have attention to detail with someone else.” If we want to push someone in the other way of his or her personality, then it is not going to be a good result. You might have the honeymoon moment of three months. After that, everything is going to be a miss.
Each of us has the ability to flex in certain aspects, but if it’s not our talent or preferred working style, then after a while we become worn out. If we meet a period of stress or things like that where come apart, we might have a different behavior that is showing than what we intended. That’s a very important thing to consider for sure. The TMA Method helps us do that.
That is an essential part of my process. Even though you will never forget about the interviews and talking to the candidates, in my process, I don’t have an interview with the candidates. I ask the candidates to take a long time to talk to me because I like to understand their history, knowledge, and experience, but also the things that they don’t tell me, which is what I can see in the TMA. This is a normal process because we always want to say the proper things in an interview. We always want to say what the other wants to hear, but that may not be the truth. This is not because we are liars. I want to be very specific with that because I have seen a lot of attacks on social media and LinkedIn in which the candidates say, “You don’t trust and want to investigate the candidates.”
It’s not that, but it is very important to understand that the role is proper for the candidate. If the candidate is not going to be successful, he or she is going to be the one that suffers. It is very important to have that information. TMA helps us to have that data because it uses positive psychology. I like that because when we do this kind of testing, we are always thinking, “Did I do good? How are my results? Are they fine?”
If the candidate is not going to be successful, he or she is going to be the one that suffers. Share on XOf course, they’re fine because they’re talking about yourself. Being yourself is always the best thing. What I see there is if they will be comfortable in an organization that is hierarchical or the other way around, I can see if the leadership style that the organization is needing is aligned with the personality of this candidate. I can also see if the candidate is going to be frustrated because the company is bureaucratic.
I can also see there if a candidate is going to be comfortable being introverted. Sometimes we might think that being introverted is not very good, but it has a very positive part and we need to understand that. The way that I use these results is not the common way that human resources use them. I have the results. Do I share them with the organization? No, because you need to have the knowledge of the method to give the proper understanding.
I can see Wendy’s face. She’s saying, “Yes.” I’m sure you had this experience at the beginning. You might understand something that is not quite good. That can impact in making a proper decision from the candidate. My use here with this information is that when I share the candidates with my client, I am completely sure that they are a good match, and then the organization can make a proper decision based on the fact that the candidate is the right fit. That is the first part.
The second one is the experience of the candidate. Most of the time, when you do these kinds of exercises, you don’t know the result. You don’t know what they are going to do with this result. In our experience, the candidates love doing this exercise because they see the results at the moment. Once they finish the results, they have the opportunity to look at them, and then they receive a very small training that we have built for them in videos, in which we show them how they can use the data not only for this process but for any process. How can they share this information with any other recruiter or for their own development? It is a win-win situation.
Would you also have the hiring manager go through the TMA to understand the things that are critical there?
We do it in most of our processes. We depend on the hiring manager to dedicate the time and to want to know it. We’ve had hiring managers that say, “I’ll do it later.” Most of the time, when we get that information, the results are interesting because it is very good to have the match there. The personality is going to be a good match or not. However, this is very important to understand. To do a proper match using TMA, you don’t need to have people that are the same, but to understand how to use the talents. I’m going to share an example that we have in Arancione.
Talent Management: To do a proper match using TMA, you don’t need to have people that are the same, but to understand how to use the talents.
My brother and I work together every day. We have different roles but we’re entirely different in certain things. One of the things is persistence. He is persistent. That is why he is in charge of the commercial part. If a client says, “No, he doesn’t take it personally.” He says, “It is not now, but in a month, you might say yes.” In my case, I have a very low need for persistence. It is difficult for me. That is why I am not in the commercial part. I receive a no and I am like, “Next, let’s go to something else.”
That is the talent that helped me bring this method to our table. For me, it was very simple to change our process to be somewhat different or better. If I understand that, it is a very good mix. If I don’t understand that, I will always say, “I am terrible in the commercial part. You are good. I don’t want to work with you. You are persistent.” It is very important to understand the best way to work together with your talents, and not to make the obligation of having someone exactly like you.
This is super important to talk about in the context of a team. That’s exactly your perspective there. You can have a particular person that’s very strong on one side of a particular skill or talent, and then somebody that’s directly the polar opposite. When they work together, sometimes there can be a little bit of friction because they are not communicating in the same language. Often, we can find a person that is a joiner in that team that can bring those two people together and help interpret the communication, and help bring the perspective in a way that both parties can understand. Do you see this happen?
Totally. When you hire someone, there is a risk, “What if this person is not going to work?” The second one is, “What if I don’t lead this person properly?” The third one is, “What if we don’t get enough time to know ourselves?” This is why TMA shares information that helps you reduce a little bit of this struggling part that you were saying, in which you learn how to be with someone. It is like in a relationship, talking about Valentine’s Day. That’s the very same thing.
There is a process in which you try to know the person. This is a little bit of a struggle. You try to show your face and your smile, but deep inside you’re saying, “He doesn’t like these things. I need to change it. I don’t like these things so I need to tell that person.” This is a normal process professionally as well. With this information, what we do is prepare both parts to understand the best way of working with the other person. The knowing is still going to be there but it is like a guide. I always tell my candidates, “You can share this with your partner, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, him or her, and they will be happy because it is the best way of reducing this struggle.”
I want to interject here. It’s great working with you. As we throw terms around like TMA and some of these terminologies, I think that as an HR professional, it’s hard to understand what we were doing fifteen years ago, for example, and what we are moving towards today. I was on many committees and in charge of many committees with a healthcare system of about 150,000 employees. There was a constant need to change the hiring process to reduce the number of days to hire, improve the quality, and reduce the percentage of turnover within the first 90 days. There were many strategies, particularly in healthcare.
First, we had recruiters that were located in each hospital that was very familiar with the leaders, executives, and culture, but then we became very much systemized. For example, they had one nursing recruiter for all 22 hospitals, and then they would have one recruiter for all the transporters. Ultimately, it didn’t improve our retention numbers. Later, we started using AI technology and doing robot interviews. Also, from my perspective, that was great. The person answered the questions correctly on a chat or electronic robot and asking the question. The real understanding, the personality type, the leader, and the team were not assessed with that.
As a business leader, I use the TMA now and have piloted a lot of what you’re talking about. It has a personalized understanding of the competencies, talents, drives, personality types, and how they integrate with other team members. All those team members complement one another and we all don’t need to be the same. In the past, I think that we had a focus on hiring clones for ourselves.
Today, we appreciate that it’s about diversity, interchange of ideas, perspectives, and progressiveness, particularly in this world that were moving a zillion miles an hour in social media space. How have you seen the progression of talent management strategy when it ties into recruitment moves at least in the last 10 or 15 years? Are we moving fast enough? Is something that we’re talking about going to make a change in our talent management strategy?
Before answering it, let me tell you that your experience is interesting. It’s common to see that even today. I believe that it doesn’t matter if we use technology. It doesn’t matter if we do this matching if HR is not connected with the business. I think that is the most important part. I think that in your example, you said that was the first part that you tried in which the recruiters were part of understanding the hiring manager and their challenges. What I have seen in organizations is that it doesn’t matter if it is 1 person or 20, but if HR is in contact with the needs of the business, all your indicators will get better.
At first, knowing and understanding the needs can make you have a process in which you can prevent vacancies. If you prevent that, you will be able to have like a bench. I don’t know if the word is proper in English. In Spanish, it is la banca or the bench. A number of candidates that you have there are available when you have a vacancy. That is in operative positions, but that helps a lot. Regarding the way that we are moving in HR, I still see it at least in Mexico. I would like to listen to your experience in the US because I think that we are moving at a different pace.
Knowing and understanding the needs of candidates can make you have a process in which you can prevent vacancies. Share on XIn Mexico, what I have seen is that even the biggest associations of HR are still speaking 40 years ago language. People are still focusing on the very same things. Let me give you an example. Profile description. It is exactly the same as it was 40 years ago in which you use that format to post a vacancy, and then that description goes into a drawer and you don’t use it again.
Even the feedback that a manager is giving has nothing to do with the profile description. What happens when we hire people using that profile description? My point is there is a small number of organizations that are beginning to work in a dynamic environment in which a profile description, let’s say the new format, is updated constantly. Why? Because even in one year, the need for a position might change. It is very important to update that constantly. This updating comes in alignment with the hiring manager, the employees, and the candidates, and then we can move forward faster. I don’t know what you have seen in the US.
I have a unique perspective because I live half the year in the US and half the year in Mexico. Obviously, I’m an expat, but my perspective is definitely different from the hiring practices and processes. I see similar struggles on both sides. In Mexico, however, I do feel, and it’d be interesting to talk about this, it is more about relationships, communication, family, and integration. I see a very different culture. It’s a very different culture. In Austin, America, it’s a different culture, a little bit bit more bureaucracy or whatever word you want to use. I don’t want to be offensive to my American colleagues.
It is a very different thing. As we are moving into globalization and hiring talent all across the world, it is now more than ever that we start having these heart-to-heart conversations, particularly when we’re hiring globally and hiring candidates from other countries. Tools like this help open communication and it’s not just a traditional HR job description type of thing. What do you think, Sam?
It’s important for us to consider what types of tools we’re using and how those tools are interfacing with the candidates that we’re trying to bring in. There’s a big buzz right now. As matter of fact, there was a Harvard Business Review article about “Are you prepared to be interviewed by AI?” With the emergence of Chat GPT and so forth that are out there, this is where a lot of companies are thinking the future may be heading. I think that there are some advantages and a lot of disadvantages to potentially having artificial intelligence do the job there. What are your thoughts when we think about what artificial intelligence can bring into the recruiting space? Do we feel like there’s some positivity here or is it all downside?
Even though I’m talking about technology and doing things differently, I am not very comfortable with replacing human contact in an interview process. In that case, artificial intelligence is never going to replace human contact. Let me explain why. Let’s say a behavior theory that we use in the TMA Method, can help us understand how it changes. Normally, we watch the behavior in an interview. It doesn’t matter if it is an hour of interview, but we watch a behavior. Three main factors affect behavior.
First of all, the environment that we have during the interview. This happens on a daily basis, not only in an interview but in your house, talking to your boss, etc. The first factor is the environment. If I have an environment that feels a little bit difficult for me, my behavior might show something in the color white. When I feel comfortable, my behavior might be shown in a black color. That is the first factor. Artificial intelligence will never be able to generate that environment.
The second one is what the candidate or the person might have learned during his or her experience, their experience leading, working on knowledge, etc. The third factor is the talent part in which artificial intelligence might help us to understand the talents of the person. What happens if this artificial intelligence doesn’t know how to generate this environment with the person? In the end, it is a computer. We need to make sure that in a conversation with someone on a daily basis, we consider this part of the environment, which is important. Probably new generations might feel comfortable with that. Why? Because new generations don’t like to even speak on the phone.
They send WhatsApp, but we are still not there. Most of the people that work in organizations are still not that generation. We need to be prepared for those two scenarios. In my case, I am the past generation. I do feel more comfortable working with people directly. I am proud of using artificial intelligence, but there are still many things that will not be able to be replaced by artificial intelligence. That is my thought. I know that I am not right 100%, but it is a little bit difficult for me.
From my perspective, I don’t know about my colleagues here from America, we didn’t even know what WhatsApp was. I’ve completely had to transform the way I communicate down here as well. Also, many of us don’t want to answer our phones anymore. It takes too long, and we don’t want to listen to voicemails and spend 45 minutes going through voicemails and calling everyone back. I completely agree with you. I think quick, rapid, and short communication is important, and then you build the time to have those deeper, more crucial, and authentic communications. At least you need to have that initial contact through technology.
I would like to add something regarding the cultural differences that you were talking about. They are. It doesn’t mean that one is better than the other, but having meetings or sessions in Mexico take 60 minutes of the session. It is pretty common to have a small part of chatting and talking about yourself. When saying goodbye, it is, “Yes, have a nice day. You too. Good luck with that.”
Having sessions with people in the United States is like, “Okay, thank you very much. Bye.” When you don’t understand those cultural differences, for example, I’m a Mexican, I might feel like, “He hung up. Why did he do that?” The other part might say, “These are Mexicans. I need to work.” I think those cultural differences and artificial intelligence will be very difficult to understand. We might need something like a dictionary that might say, “You should act this way with Pily because she’s a Mexican.”
What do you think Sumit?
I think that’s an interesting set of points to discuss. Maybe we should do a demo session where one of us is generating interview questions using Chat GPT or another AI tool and the other person is at the other end putting the same questions in and trying to see what robotic answers we can generate. It should be an interesting exercise. Jokes apart, I’m probably from the older generation that believes human contact is more important, but I’m not sure how long this will be true.
For example, I saw my five-year-old daughter making a digital birthday card for me on my own laptop. The generation that’s growing up using technology might feel a lot more detached and open to using tools like this and better use of technology. Maybe it’s a mindset shift that will happen, but at least as of now, I do find whether it’s AI or conventional technology, it can make life easier for a human. I don’t think it’s equipped to replace human interaction yet, maybe not for another 5 or 10 years, but I could be wrong.
Hopefully, because if not, we’ll get out of a job.
I don’t think that’s at any risk in a near future. One thing that we had to realize is Ai is taught by humans. By nature, any imperfect pieces that humans have are also put into AI, including bias. We can also use these tools to help us identify bias as well, and to point out things that we may not be aware of as managers or organizations. We have to be careful of the human element. I don’t think AI is going to be replacing the human element in that interaction. To dig deep into this, you were mentioning that it’s nice to have chat with a colleague. If you chat with AI, the one thing that you think is, “Does AI care about me? Does it care about what I did yesterday or how was my daughter this morning? I had an argument with my husband. Does AI care?”
Whereas humans will have a perspective on that. Perhaps someday, AI may don’t think that is in the near future. AI is placed where it can help us be better at what we do and maybe point out some of those biases that we’re not aware of based on another group set. A lot of other things are in the recruiting realm. It’s definitely not something that takes over some of those important human elements that we look for in our colleagues, and what makes working as humans in a workplace very engaging
Giving another thought about this part. We’re talking about making the process better for the organization. In my experience as well, the candidates have difficult feelings during the process. When they go through the process and they advance, they’re happy, which is good. A congratulation from a machine, a person, or a human being is exactly the same because they’re happy. When you have to give bad news or when you’re saying, “Thank you very much for participating in the process, but you were not the selection,” the feeling might not be a good one.
Handling that part and the attention and the follow-up with the person are also important. When considering artificial intelligence in improving processes, especially in recruitment, we should think also about the candidates. Having a great experience with the candidate, even though he’s not going to be part of the organization, is important. The employer brand might be affected by that.
Talent Management: Having a great experience with the candidate, even though they’re not going to be part of the organization, is important. The employer brand might be affected by that.
One other thing I wanted to bring up, and I would love to have your perspective on this, is that there’s a forgotten element in a lot of recruiting. That is those people that don’t show up well. They come into an interview and they botch it. They are terrible job at the interview. They’re so nervous perhaps, and then we don’t understand the true talents they are bringing that they can bring to an organization.
We often label this group as the neurodiverse or those that approach and think about things differently than some others, and perhaps those that are uncomfortable in certain environments. To ensure that we’re reaching this critical talent and we’re bringing this important talent into the workplace, are there methodologies or strategies that you employ to identify when a person has not a great showing in an interview?
Normally in my process, as I was saying, I like to have more than one conversation with people because that might happen. I don’t have three conversations with every candidate. If I see something that might be misunderstood, I would like to be very transparent and ask direct questions regarding my concerns. That is a very important part. What happens when this example that you’re saying happens with my client and the client says, “It was a terrible interview. The person answered this and this?” It has happened a lot.
I always like to understand the question asked by the interviewer because sometimes these answers are not the fault of the candidate, but the fault of the interviewer. I would like to say something that people don’t say normally, but to get the proper answers in an interview is the job of the interviewer, not the candidate. When we are not conscious of that, these things happen.
To get the proper answers in an interview is the job of the interviewer, not the candidate. Share on XLet me say some examples. “The candidate didn’t go in deep into that experience of the selling process. Did you ask about it?” “No.” It’s your fault, not the candidate’s. This means that if you don’t get the whole information from a candidate, it is the fault of the interviewer. This interviewer can be a recruiter or a hiring manager. From my part of the process, I always share a guide of interview questions from my interviewers so that they know what kind of questions they can ask, and how to go deep into certain concerns.
It is not a good thing when you get at the end of the interview and say, “I am concerned because he said something and I didn’t like it.” You need to have the evidence. It is not because of not accepting a candidate, which is also good. It is better to have evidence that can tell you, “I can’t have this candidate because of this.” That is going to be helpful for you in your process and for the candidate.
I had a phone call from a candidate. She didn’t advance in the process and she said, “I would like to have your feedback about the interview with your client. What did he say about me? Is it something that I said that was not proper? I am concerned.” I explained to her, “It is not you or anything that you said. The approach of this position is more focused on something in which your expertise is not very strong, but it is not the way that you answered. I’m sure that if you got into this position, you would feel weak. That is why.” She understood it pretty well and she felt strong with what she had, which is good. It is not the way that she answered.
I had another candidate that said, “What happened in that process?” I said, “You gave this feedback about this experience. The feedback was related to, ‘I got into that position and I changed all the people in the team because the objective was to reduce the costs. I let everyone go away from the company and bring my own team.’ The interviewer said, ‘This is not part of my culture. I’m scared that you are going to do that here.’”
When I asked the candidate about this, he said, “No. I explained that example so that she could see that I could adapt to what the organization wanted. It is not my approach of leadership, but I did what they asked me to do in order to get the result.” As you can see, it was not the very best way to prepare the candidate to understand what they want to know about the question before answering it in a better way.
It’s important for the interviewer to ensure that they’re digging in deep to approach the question from different angles, and not just take a one-and-done approach. When you hear something that doesn’t meet your expectations or maybe you might feel is not the right fit, then you should take another try at it to understand the full perspective.
Sometimes we call that peeling the onion. You have these layers and you have to keep peeling and finally, you get to the heart of it. That is a skill to keep asking from different angles, and trying to get examples and all of that.
In doing that, you might have evidence that might surprise you, to confirm that you don’t want that candidate or the other way around.
Back to Pily on recruiting and having these important processes in place. If people are interested in learning a little bit more about your approach and understanding the different facets of recruiting people, no matter if they’re in their own culture or cross-cultural and so forth, how can they get ahold of you and learn more?
We’re having a free webinar. I have the bad news that it is in Spanish. We haven’t done it in English yet, but we will be working on that. I’m going to share the link to that pre-webinar. It’s TalentoPerfecto.Arancione.com.mx. They can reach us as well on our social media. Our Instagram, @Arancione.mx. We have our YouTube channel, which is Arancione TV. We are also having a page on LinkedIn in which we share a lot of information, or you can follow me as well, Maria del Pilar Martinez. I’m over there. On our website, Arancione.com.mx, you will be able to find a lot of information in our blogs. We try to share a lot of content so that not only organizations, but also hiring managers, HR people, and also candidates might take advantage of this information.
It was a joy having you on the show. Thank you very much for joining us, Pily.
Thank you very much for inviting me. I enjoyed this conversation. I hope to see you soon again. Have a nice day.
Maria del Pilar Martinez is passionate about talent management with 20 years of experience as a leader working with the development of people in different positions.
She specializes in developing leaders in different sectors, such as consumption, logistics, manufacturing, and technology.
She has a specialty working in and with the areas of Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Human Resources, forming High-Performance teams.
Maria has International Certifications in Talent Management, Leadership, and Positive Psychology, with extensive experience working with the TOP Management of organizations in implementing strategic organizational changes.