DJ the Money Coach is today’s trusted guide to financial wellness, empowering you with the knowledge to make smart investments and achieve your financial goals. Join him in this episode as he dives into the crucial financial steps many founders often overlook when launching a business. DJ stresses why prioritizing financial wellness is key in business building and provides smart strategies for insurance and retirement planning. He also explains how founders should pay more attention to employee financial wellness through education and support, leading to increased well-being and productivity.
Welcome to the People Strategy Forum. We’re going to be diving deep into how financial empowerment can transform workplace dynamics. We have a special guest, DJ The Money Coach. DJ brings an unparalleled blend of expertise. He has been an author, CEO, certified state advisor, and certified financial planner since 1997. He has a lot of experience here.
DJ has led his company in coaching about financial literacy and helping people build wealth accumulation and asset protection for middle-class Americans. His approach breaks down complex financial concepts into accessible and actionable information so you can, make sure this applies to your real-life applications. Join us as we explore this and how to integrate wealth accumulation with asset protection with DJ The Money Coach. Welcome, DJ.
Thank you for having me, Sam. It’s a pleasure to be on your amazing program. Thank you very much.
The first thing I like to do to start this conversation is to let our listeners know a little bit about you. I know you do a lot of different things. You believe in social responsibility, which I’d like to dig into a little bit. First of all, how did you become The Money Coach? Tell us a little bit about this.
It’s funny how that became. I played a little baseball in college. I played a lot of baseball in high school. I also was a baseball coach for traveling teams in my community for over a decade. I had two sons who played baseball in high school and also on the traveling teams. Long story short, I got into the financial industry around about 2000 and started to figure out some of the traps that middle-class people fall into not because of their income but because of a lack of financial education and literacy for specific topics.
As I began my coaching career on the baseball side, I was known as coach DJ for my first and middle initial. As I started to have success on the baseball playing field, I said, “On the financial side, it’s more coaching. I like the ring of Coach DJ. How about we add Money to it?” It took off from there. When you sit down with people and they think about you coaching them through the process versus you telling them what to do, they’re more open to learning versus being told what to do because they know what coaches do for the community. That’s a short story of how I became DJ the Money Coach for the past 16 to 17 years.
What is the ideal client that you like to work with?
The most important one and a favorite one from me is the person who thinks they know everything. They have a high aptitude in their profession, and they made a lot of accomplishments. A lot of times, they hide behind those destinations and accomplishments. They pretend they know things about finances that we know they don’t. There’s always a saying in the scam world, “If you don’t know you’re the mark, you’re the mark in the room.”
The example is, “I’ve been doing this for fifteen years at this level. You’ve been a doctor for fifteen years and in that industry, I could never tell you anything about medicine other than something that I read versus you applying your experience. It’s the same thing here. Allow me to educate you, and then allow me to share with you your intelligence to get a better grip on your finances.”
Those people end up becoming your best clients because they want to be the best at what they do all the time. They’re big on education and learning, so they become your best clients. At first, they’re a little bit reluctant because they have a high profile, but when they realize they don’t know something and you are the person with the expertise, they usually sit back and do the homework. They are very disciplined and they get the accomplishments.
I want to talk about a couple of issues here. A lot of our listeners out there are founders of companies, They are leaders that are managing people and so forth. I want to look at this financial responsibility from two perspectives. One is from a founder, where they are starting their business and the things that they need to think about financially, and then insurance-wise to protect themselves.
The next is for the people aspect. People are the employees in our organization. If they’re struggling and they’re not maintaining finances effectively, it’s hard for them to focus on their best work at work. I’d love to get your thoughts there. Let’s start from the founder’s aspect, a small business starting up, and so forth. What should a new leader of a business be thinking about as far as finance and insurance?
The first thing is, why did you get in business? You get in business to provide financial stability for your family, and to provide retirement and legacy for yourself. Here’s one thing that I found out. I’ve started twelve companies over the past twenty years. Eight of them have been learning projects, which the less-informed person says were failures, but they’re not. There were educational tools to help me get better at the four that became very successful and seven-figure companies annually.
What I found out as becoming a founder first myself, I started working and I’m working so hard. I don’t realize that I’m working for myself to create financial stability and a financial retirement that I can do peacefully and successfully. I missed some of the pain points that I should have attacked. I should understand when to use insurance. I should understand retirement plans because if I came out of corporate America, they already provided that safety net for me.
They made sure you had an option to a 401(k). They made sure you had stock options. They made sure you had some type of insurance package, be it health insurance or dental insurance. When you are a founder, most times, you don’t think about that stuff. There’s also another saying, “The guy who makes the shoes, usually has the worst shoes,” because he’s so busy putting shoes on Sam and everybody else. He forgets that he doesn’t even have shoes.
That’s the first thing that I learned, and this is how I learned it. My first company that became successful, I’m sitting down with my financial planner, my CPA, and my attorney, and they say, “DJ, you did great over the last five years. Here’s the problem. You left half a million dollars on the table in tax savings and insurance benefits, and you didn’t even set up the proper retirement plan, but you were very successful.”
I said, “What do you mean?” They said, “Why did you get in business?” “I got into business to become financially stable to take care of my family. I got into business so I could retire and do it peacefully,” “But you didn’t cover those things.” Because I was so busy trying to get it off the ground and trying to make it successful, I didn’t sit down and anticipate that I needed these things done. That was an HR capacity that I missed.
That would be the first lesson for any founder, especially if you’re coming from the working class or the middle class and you come out of a corporate environment or you come out of a blue working class environment with these benefits already provided. The first thing I would do is say, “Let’s sit down. Let’s see how much money I need to make, how much money I need to save, what are the proper vehicles I need to have in place when it goes well, what are the proper vehicles that I need to have in place when we have hiccups because they’re both going to happen.
I would then start building my initiative in my program for success. Nine out of ten times, most founders never do that. That’s the reason why they immediately should hire the right people on their team, HR people and operation people, so they don’t have to worry about that so that they can concentrate on building the business successfully.
Financial Wellness: Nine times out of ten, most founders never plan for financial stability and retirement. That is the reason why they should hire the right people on their team.
What I’m hearing from you is making sure to be able to plan effectively. To be secure financially, first, you have a team of trusted advisors. You mentioned your banker, CPA, legal, and these different elements that we need to make sure we have identified as a leader so that we can speak with them regularly and ensure that you have a plan of action to go forward. As we think about the insurance side of things, what are the core pieces of insurance that a founder of a new company should have in place?
The first insurance policy that I would have is a key man policy. What is the key man policy? Let’s say your business is successful. All of a sudden, something happens to you. The key man policy pays for the replacement time to replace you and also to provide another person to plug into your successful business. Most founders don’t think about that. The key man policy is going to give you that net that you need to have.
The second thing that you want to have is what I call Income Interruption Insurance. How I found out about this is that when I was an early financial planner, I had a very successful dentist who owned about 6 or 7 offices. He hired us to do financial education for his company. He was not working and he had told me he had a boating accident. It hurt his hand so he could no longer practice dentistry, but he had this income replacement insurance that allowed him to receive 3/4 of his income for the remainder of his career.
Fortunately for me, I took that in. I said, “I never even heard of that, but it works like Lloyd’s of London.” Lloyd’s of London is specialized insurance that you can ensure your voice, ensure your legs, or whatever you make money off, like a college athlete that could go pro but stays an extra year so they can get drafted higher.
That income replacement insurance would allow you to get 3/4 of your revenues paid to you like when we went through COVID. We found out that a lot of restaurants were forced to close down. If they had that policy in place, what the insurance company would have done is they would have looked at their past 12 to 24 months of constant revenues and contracts and they would have paid them 3/4 of those contracts until the industry got back on pace or the government released the restrictions.
Here’s the problem and this is what Robert Kiyosaki says. A lot of times, we are cheap. We don’t want to pay the premiums on these policies because they may seem to be a little bit higher than what you expect. Here’s the thing he found out. His first business was a velcro wallet business, and he made $1 million in the early or mid-70s, and he would go to these conferences. He became successful.
He comes back to the same conference the next year because he didn’t get his patent and he didn’t get these two insurance. Some other person knocked off his business and stole his patentability. He said, “I would never do that again. I will pay the professionals what the professionals are worth. I will get the proper policies because I have to expect if I’m going into business, I’m going to be successful, so anticipate you’re going to be successful.
Those premiums will pay for themselves in the future. That’s one of the key things that we miss as founders, and those are the two key policies that when I’m sitting down with a real business person who says, “I’m going to make a half million dollars one day DJ” or “My company is going to make five million,” I said, “Okay, then let’s anticipate what that’s going to cost you in the future when you are successful and let’s buy it cheap now because today in the insurance world, it’s only going to be as cheap as ever going to be today and today only for two reasons. Your age and the fact that the moratoriums always go up over the years.
Let’s talk about the next big elephant in insurance. As a founder, they start bringing people into their organization. Some of these individuals were asking and demanding that they have some sort of benefit coverage, whether it be health and welfare, and so forth. As we all know, it is quite a problem in the United States to find affordable health care that we can provide our employees. For a small business that is starting and they are under ten employees, what are their options until they become larger?
The first thing is you want to know what type of insurance you need and how it properly works for each individual. When you are recruiting a very successful person who can 10X your business, they’re going to need certain things that the average person on your team doesn’t because they’re going to be what I call a rainmaker. Let’s say you’re making $1,000 in your business, but this young man or young woman can come in and make your business $100,000 business. You need to make sure they’re compensated for that.
Financial Wellness: When you are recruiting a successful person who can 10x your business, make sure they can do something the average individual cannot.
In terms of worker’s compensation, there are different types of insurance and there are different ways to buy insurance. One of the things that I teach being a fully licensed professional, I have licenses in home, auto, health, and property and casualty. I sat down with the founder and I said, “Here are the different types of insurance vehicles,” but there’s a way to buy insurance that most people don’t know. Even the people selling it to you will not even tell you. He said, “What do you mean by that?” Let me give you an example. When you go to the grocery store and you buy bread, how do you buy bread? What unit of measurement do you buy bread?
Slices, I suppose.
It’s actually by the loaf, ounces, or pounds. A lot of times, what we don’t do is look at that little tag where it says the price, but underneath it, it tells you to price per unit of measurement. You should be buying that bread no matter what kind it is based on the unit of measurement. Now, here’s the easier question. When you go to the gas station, what is the unit of measurement that you buy gas?
Gallons here in the United States.
Right or litters in the UK so and so forth. With everything equal, I want to pay the least amount of money per gallon or litter for the highest quality of gas. What does that mean? When you buy health insurance, for example, they’re going to look at your age. They’re going to look at your health. They’re going to look at your credit score. If everything is equal between you and me, now the biggest thing is you and I are paying the same unit of measurement for that insurance.
This is how you buy it. You buy a cost per thousand. For every thousand dollars worth of insurance, this is what it costs across the board. Let’s say I’m 50 years of age, I need $100,000 worth of health insurance. What I would do is take 1,000 and divide it into $100,000 worth of coverage and that would give me 100 units. Now if I’m 50 and I have perfect health and perfect credit, then I should pay $0.50 per thousand.
If I don’t know that and you come and say, “What can you afford, Mr. Founder, to insure that very important person?” “I can only afford $100.” That agent automatically comes back to you and miraculously tells you, “I got you a policy for $100,” but he doesn’t tell you the cost per thousand. Maybe the cost of that is ten times what you should be paying. Instead of paying $100, you should have been paying $10 per thousand and you overpaid because he sold you on what you could afford and what you wanted versus what you needed and how you were supposed to buy it.
It’s an interesting way of thinking about that and looking at the value for which you’re buying. What are the channels? If there’s a small company, are they forced to deal with the exchanges in the United States as far as the public exchanges, or do they need to go through a broker? What would be better?
The best thing is I would go through a broker because there are also lobbyist organizations like the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents called NAPA Napa. They provide you with discount insurance policies through health, auto, and life. They come together collectively as a group across the United States. They give you a group rate. It’s like you get the group auto and death insurance that you don’t have to take a physical for. This organization provides you with that same umbrella, but a lot of times we don’t know.
As it pertains to other insurance, they will show you what the buying options are. They’ll show you what the cost per thousand and then you can plug in. If you have ten employees or less, that is your number one best resource. Again, how do you know about that if you don’t have the right person? If you go out and you’re looking for it yourself, you’re going to get misinformation because you don’t know how to ask the right questions from an educational standpoint. That will be the first thing that I would look into from that perspective.
The second thing is if I am in the process and I have been in business for a little while and I’m starting to grow, I would start looking for people who are in the human resources industry who have the certifications that I can educate you from going from 10 employees to 100 employees. One of the biggest challenges for founders on the retirement side is that they don’t want to buy into 401(k) plans because that provides coverage for their employees but they don’t get the benefit. At least that’s what they don’t know.
There’s a law on the books that allows you to get the same benefits that you would benefit your employees. Again, it’s an educational gap of you don’t know what you don’t know. These are some of the things that we would sit down with the founder and explain to them the industry, how to get the tools, who you use, and what’s the best cost per thousand, and then you have a selection that you can utilize to get the best bang for your buck. We have a saying at our operation that we like Neiman Marcus stuff but we like it at Walmart prices. We don’t like Walmart stuff at Walmart prices. No offense to Walmart but the essence is we don’t like cheap stuff and cheap quality. We like cheap prices with the highest quality.
Let’s take this to the employee aspect. Why should leaders care about the financial knowledge of their employees? Why should we want our employees to be stable financially, understand their finances, and so forth?
Here’s the thing that breaks down a natural conflict for them. Number one, if I am an opportunity or let’s say I had a startup company and the startup company can’t pay me what I am used to being paid. I’ll give you a great example, Meg Whitman. If you don’t know who Meg Whitman was, she became the CEO of eBay and made eBay the monster multi-billion dollar company it was. Meg Whitman had been very successful in her industry and they recruited her. At the time, they recruited her, they could only pay her $70,000 a year, but she had already been making a quarter million.
They said, “Meg, this company eBay is doing something revolutionary. What I can do for you is I can only pay you $70,000, but I can give you the stock options and I can educate you. One of the most important things is you are financially stable and you can take a three-time pay cut, but once you get us to $100 million, we can overcompensate you.” What does that mean? That means if I’m at home and I’m wearing about everything that I have to pay for, and I am taking that to the job, I’m not effective at the job because I’m worrying about the bill collector.
The same thing is to home. If I go home and because I was worrying about my home, I now have a whole bunch of work that I didn’t do my best work which you paid me for. I’m at home not taking care of the family. Now this person is under what I call a force compulsion. Instead of doing what they’re supposed to do because they’re good people, they’re worrying about stuff that is making an impact. Now you as the founder are losing 500 hours of their effective productivity. Most importantly, good people make bad decisions when they’re on a financial compulsion.
Good people make bad decisions when they are under financial compulsion. Share on XThe first thing you should want to do is make sure that you help them from a financial education standpoint. Number two, provide them with the tools, and then number three, reward them in order to make them not think about home when they’re at work and they’re doing work. When they’re at home, they’re not thinking about work. They’re taking care of the family. We don’t think that way because we’re all about the pressure of making money, hitting deadlines, and doing more with less.
That’s the number one reason why you should, first and foremost, sit down with your people and make sure they have a level of financial stability. If they don’t, give them pathways, tools, resources, and people to work with to get them that way. Now you have applied what I call the platinum rule. We all know what the golden rule is. Do unto people the way we want to be done unto ourselves.
The platinum rule is let’s say you and me are car enthusiasts. I have $100,000. I say, “Sam, you’re a good friend of mine. I’m going to buy you the car that you like.” You tell me it’s a Ferrari but I like Lamborghini. I come up and I give you a Lamborghini. You are excited, but you’re not over the moon because I didn’t give you the Ferrari. The platinum rule is I drive up to your house and give you that beautiful Ferrari in the color you like. Now the platinum rule has been applied. What that employee is going to do is he or she is going to go beyond the call of duty and do extra things for you because now they know you think about them as much as you think about yourself.
That’s great. Making sure that our people are secure financially so they can focus on their best work. Also, as you mentioned, having some of those recognition programs to show people that you appreciate them is also very beneficial. Let’s talk about the education process. How should leaders help the financial education of their people? What is the typical process that you employ for that?
The first thing we do for them is we have a basic survey that you give them ten questions. It takes about two minutes to fill out. It’ll have a basic question like, “Do you carry revolving personal credit? Do you have debt on your house? Do you have a savings plan and an emergency fund?” These are very safe questions that you can ask them and they will automatically check yes or no. Once they check off these questions and if we find out that 4 out of 10 of those questions are yes, then we say, “How would you like for us to provide you with some extra tools to help you get a little bit better in these areas?”
Here are what studies show statistically. These are HR people’s dirty little secrets that they won’t tell you. A lot of employees in tough times borrow against their salaries and they get prepayments. This is the reason why you see these payday loan places jumping up. Now you see people are talking about, “I can get my check before Friday.” If you’re getting your check from this service, what do they charge you? Fees, and then it becomes usury.
The best thing to do is to hire a great organization that is non-biased and has no dog in a fight, which means they don’t sell products or policies. They just provide pure education. They will come in and give you unbiased expert advice on the things that you need as an employee. The first thing you want to do is say, “Let’s make sure you got that emergency fund.” Here are the pushbacks we get. “I already know this.” I said, “Let me ask you a question. How much of this stuff are you applying on a daily basis?” Knowing versus application are two different things.
Financial Wellness: Knowing versus application is two different things.
That’s right. You often see that. People go to a workshop or something. They get excited. They have all this great information and they go and they don’t implement. A coach to keep them accountable is important.
That’s why you tie in little incentives that make them want to do it where it’s like, “If all of us do this, you get some tickets to the game. If you do this, we get you lunch,” things like that where it becomes a nice competitive environment. It’s not always about money that gets employees off the ranch or has them make bad decisions. It’s the quality of life that they know they care about. Most employees want to win.
They believe the organization that they join is the best that can offer them the opportunity to have the best life. They’re always going to go the extra mile, but if you’re not addressing some of the things that they will do extra for you, then there’s no love there. If it’s all about the money, guess what? What happens when they have all the money, but they still have these other challenges that you don’t address? Now you have people who become what I call indifferent and then apathy sets in.
Employees will always go the extra mile. But if you are not addressing some of the things that they will do extra for you, then there is no love there. Share on XI’ve been looking at your screen behind us. I see this beautiful location there in Zanzibar. Take a BITE Out of Zanzibar. Tell me about that, DJ.
I’m glad you asked that. Over the past ten years, I’ve had the benefit of traveling around the world and had a chance to do a couple of bucket list trips. Five years ago, my business partner and I were sitting down after doing a speaking engagement. She said, “What are the next trips that you want to take?” I said, “My goal is to go to Zanzibar and Cape Verde, which is on the eastern coast of Africa because that’s where the lineage of my people comes from.”
In December of 2021, I got a call from my business partner and she said, “We’re going on a bucket list trip.” I said, “Which one?” She said, “We’re going to Zanzibar.” I said, “That’s great. You’re going to stay.” She said, “No. I said we.” I said, “That means you too. Okay. What does that entail?” She said, “I hate to call you so late but I booked a trip to Zanzibar, but here’s the deal. I have to send you the link and you have to pay for it now because there are only a couple of spots left.”
She sends me a link. I hop on, I get the link, I buy it, and then I get excited. I buy my sister a ticket as well. I call my sister up. I say, “Tish, guess what? We’re going to Zanzibar and I’m taking care of everything. All you had to do is pay your tips.” She’s smiling and everything. Immediately, she starts chuckling. I’m like, “What are you laughing about?” She said, “RJ, our family friend for 25 years, is in Zanzibar right now. I said, “Really?”
We hopped on WhatsApp and RJ was sitting on the beach with his exotic drink in Zanzibar. He’s telling me how great it is. I said, “How long have you been there?” He said, “I’ve been here for 30-something days.” I said, “That’s awesome. You can afford to take that long of a vacation.” He said, “I’m not down here on vacation. I’m down here buying real estate.” I said, “You’re buying real estate?” He said, “Yes. There’s a new law that came in for foreign investors in 2018 that allows us to buy real estate.” I speed up my trip and I go to Zanzibar immediately. I met the developer that he bought his real estate property from. Before I know it, I become a developer myself.
That’s great. A new business over there. I know you’re a big believer in social responsibility and so forth. As we see it, there are a lot of wealthy individuals and companies that are going to these beautiful places like Zanzibar and so forth and are investing in real estate. Sometimes that can impact the local community. What are the methods that you’re using to help the local community benefit from this business venture?
That’s a great question and a great introspection. Here’s what we’ve decided to do. We don’t want to go and take away from any place we go to, no matter where it is in the country or even in a community. The first thing we’ve done is we have created an irrigation system for the indigenous people within a 2-mile radius of our resorts. We provide them with an irrigation system similar to here in America.
The second thing that we’ve done is that we know education is very important. We have a K through 8 schools that any young child, K to 8 within that radius of 1 to 2 miles can come and go to that school free. The third thing, which is most important is the health issue. We have a clinic where every Friday of the month, they can come and get free medical health care. We have a physician from America and we have a physician from the top academies in Africa. They provide all types of medical treatment for free.
Here’s what happens. It creates what I call three wins. The first win is that the indigenous people see that we’re not coming to push them out of their communities. A lot of times, when developers are building resorts and expensive properties, they cannot afford to stay on their own property or land. We’re making sure that they have affordable housing through our properties as well. We give back in that capacity. That’s a win. When that win happens, now the people who come to stay at our resorts get the best of the indigenous people because they know that we’re working collectively together to make them good.
The third one is we get the benefit at the last point because everybody wants on the front, in the middle, and at the end. We are able to make a very good profit but it’s a profit that’s generated the right way and not the wrong way. That’s very important. Every project that we do, we first start out. Right now, I can proudly say that we employ any time between 40 to 60 Zanzibarians, and we’re going to be building a university. We’re going to strive to do that in the next 2 to 5 years.
We’re also bringing professionals from America with high-level skills like founders and leaders, and we bring them to the industry. We help them put their place into the ground, start helping the community, and provide technology. That’s the most important part that we are excited about. The Take a BITE Out of Zanzibar, The T means to travel, and then the B is to buy and invest in the community of 100 acres and the I is to invest in the ancillary businesses that support the community.
Those resorts need waste management, housing, cleaning, and transportation. We provide all of that and we do it with the locals, so they’re empowered. What we do is we teach them how to go in business with themselves, with us helping and supporting them. It’s a constant win and it’s a beautiful ecosystem that’s being built.
That’s outstanding, DJ. We need more leaders like you with responsible innovation and development like that and care about those local communities. Thank you so much for your work there. That’s outstanding.
We’re blessed and honored to be there. We always have to understand that we’re visitors.
As we wrap things up for today, what are the takeaways that you would like our leaders who are listening in to get from this conversation?
The first thing is you have to put the right people on your team. Jack Welch who was the amazing CEO of GE said, “The best thing that you can do for somebody is to get them off the bus and get them on the right bus.” Every year, you would take an inventory of your team. That 20% of people who have great talent and skills may not be a fit for you. Find that fit for them.
The second thing is, as a founder and a leader, what you have to always think about is, “What is the best thing I can do from the platinum rule for my people,” to make sure they’re always bought into what we’re trying to do that has more to do than money, but it’s also being significant. We talked about the struggle, success, and significance. Our desire is to be significant in the community. Meaning that we make other people better, help them achieve their dreams, and make sure that our operation is the perfect fit for them to help them maximize their talents and gifts.
The third thing is to make sure you compensate them correctly, Just like what Robert Kiyosaki said, “Pay the professionals with what the professionals are worth,” because if you invest in them properly now, you will benefit much better in the future because now that person knows that they have ownership and full autonomy in the business. I like another thing. If you find somebody on your team who is a leader and has a talent that can grow in your business, don’t let them become your competition.
Do not let talented employees become your competition. Create a division, make them the head of it, and give them equity and ownership in it. Share on XCreate a division, make them the head of it, and give them equity and ownership in it. That’s one of the biggest challenges that we don’t do right. The ones that get it right, find out that they never have to worry about external competition because they have the best right there and they have given that person, not stock options, but they are giving them equity and ownership opportunities.
That’s one of the things that you have to evaluate, especially in today’s economy. When the economy is contracting and you have great talents, sit down with them and say, “Here’s where we’re going. If we can get here, let me show you a way to get equity and ownership when we hit these milestones.” Now their incentive is they’re working probably harder than you are because they know if something happens to them, they can pass that on to their children and their children’s children. Now you have a win-win versus somebody going out and becoming your competition because you taught them the business and now they become better at it than you are.
DJ, this has been a great conversation. I appreciate your time here. For our listeners out there who want to know you better and ask you questions, how do they get ahold of you?
Believe it or not, we still contact people in the analog world. That means they can reach us at an 800 number that’s been around for twenty years. It’s (866) 3953042. They can reach us in the digital world which is They can reach us on social platforms through the same thing. On YouTube, it is DJ The MoneyCoach, and on IG, it’s @DJTheMoneyCoach.
If they would like to go to Zanzibar, we have a great opportunity for them to go to Zanzibar. They can go to What we’re doing for your leaders and listeners is we are going to provide them an opportunity to go at a very great discount. I talked to my team and said, “What can we do for Sam and his wonderful podcast?” You what we’re going to do? We have these holidays coming up. They got Black Friday, so we put together a package for your group that if they want to take advantage of the beautiful island, they can go there for seven days and six nights for only $497. They can do it in three installments.
I know what you’re saying right now. How can you give me paradise for that little? Here’s the thing, ladies and gentlemen. We just opened up. We’re 100% debt free. I own everything in the resort. I want to give you a trip that you can take. I won’t pay for your airfare though but I will help you get the best airfare because we do have relationships with multiple airlines.
It’s a great opportunity for them to come and do a bucket list trip. It is good for twelve months and you can take it anytime you want to in 2025. If you like to, as we always say, come join us on the beaches and enjoy paradise. We wish you a pompom lifestyle and peace of mind. We always want to help you be the best that you can be.
Thank you so much, DJ. We’ll see you next week at the People Strategy Forum.
DJ The Money Coach, also known as DJ, is a financial literacy expert, entrepreneur, and speaker dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve financial independence and build generational wealth. With a background in finance and entrepreneurship, DJ has addressed the diverse needs of small, mid-size, and large organizations related to corporate finance, financial education, and the financial wellness of employees.
As the founder of the “7 Spheres of Money” financial education seminars, DJ has taught over 1,000 educational workshops to governments, Fortune 1000 companies, and community organizations. His programs focus on financial education, wealth accumulation, asset protection, and small business planning for middle-class America.
DJ’s mission is to simplify complex financial concepts, making them accessible and achievable for everyone. Through his seminars and coaching programs, he provides practical strategies to master money management, reduce debt, and create sustainable financial freedom.
In addition to his seminars, DJ offers a free webinar that covers topics such as financial education, wealth accumulation, asset protection, and small business planning for middle-class America. His Family Finance 101 course teaches participants how to retire young, become debt-free with passive income, own a home in 7-10 years while saving $100,000, and understand the five rules of money.
DJ’s expertise and engaging presentation style have made him a sought-after speaker and coach, inspiring countless individuals to take control of their financial futures and achieve their dreams.