Rate & Review

Please scroll to the instructions below to rate and review our podcast “5-stars” on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Castbox. Unfortunately, all other platforms, including Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Overcast, Tune-In, Player FM, Blubrry, and Listennotes, do not have ratings or reviews for podcasts on their apps.

Apple Podcasts

First, ensure that you are signed in by clicking the Account menu at the top of your screen and selecting your Apple ID.

Next, click the Subscribe button if you are not already subscribed.


Then scroll down and click on Write a Review.



First, ensure that you are signed in by clicking the sign-in button on the top right corner of your screen.

Then, scroll down until you see “Write a Review” under “Load More Episodes”.

Review away or just give a star rating.

Unfortenualty, Stitcher does not offer a Rate and Review section. They do have a like system set up. First, ensure that you are signed in by clicking the sign-in button on the top right corner of your screen and sign In.

Then tap on the Follow button if you have not done so already. After, click on an episode, tap on the Heart Button if you enjoyed the episode.


Unfortunately, Spotify does not offer a Review section. You can still give us a 5-stars. First, ensure that you are signed in to Spotify.

Find the podcast’s page, either by accessing it through your home page or searching for it.

Tap the star rating icon underneath the podcast’s description.

Drag your finger or tap on one of the five stars to leave a rating.



Unfortunately, Castbox does not offer a Rate and Review section. They do have a comment system set up. First, ensure that you are signed in by clicking the person icon on the top right corner of your screen and sign In.


Then, scroll toward the bottom of the page until you reach your desired episodes. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see a comment section to leave your love or criticism.

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